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Service for Older VWs

JPVS 201702 Service for Older VWs Header Landing Page

At Jim Pattison Volkswagen Surrey, we believe your VW should give you the same enjoyment and reliability as the day you bought it, regardless of its age. Your VW will be well taken care of by our factory-trained and experienced VW technicians.

JPVS 201702 Service for Older VWs Offer 1 Landing Page

JPVS 201702 Service for Older VWs Offer 2 Landing Page

Contact us or fill out the form below to book your VW for any maintenance today, and receive exceptional pricing on VW service and parts!

*Not applicable with any other offer. Offers end December 31, 2018 and only valid at Jim Pattison Volkswagen Surrey. Contact us for complete details.

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